9 Essential Book Marketing Tips Every Writer Should Know

9 Essential Book Marketing Tips Every Writer Should Know

Every writer wants to sell more copies of their books. However, only a few writers succeed in achieving their goals. You don’t have to be a “famous” writer to sell a lot of books. By marketing your book the right way, you can sell more copies of your book in no time. Keep reading this blog to find nine actionable book marketing tips – let’s dive in!


1.      Improve your communication skills

It’s important for you to sharpen your communication skills if you want to become a successful writer. If you struggle with communication, you won’t be able to persuade people to read your book.

Many writers find it hard to improve their communication skills. The truth is that you don’t have to enroll in lengthy courses to learn how to communicate. Online resources can help you boost your communication skills in a short time. For example, you can read query letter examples to learn how you can communicate with publishers.


2.      Get an attractive book cover

The adage of “Never judge a book by its cover” still holds in this age, but this proverb doesn’t mean you should choose a “boring” cover for your book. It’s important for you to make your book look attractive by choosing a great book cover.

Most writers think they should design their book cover themselves. However, the truth is that doing so might not favor you if you don’t know how to design a book cover.

It’s better to rely on a professional book cover designer. Only a professional can portray the contents of your book in a persuasive manner through a great book cover.


3.      Define your target audience

As a writer, you might think you will sell more books if you consider “everyone” as your reader. Remember that you cannot expect every book reader to buy your book. You have to be specific about the people in your target audience.

For example, if you are writing a romance novel, you must be specific about whether you’re writing for adults or teens. Being “specific” about your readers will help you market your book the right way.

Identify the subgenre of your book and only target those who can be categorized under that subgenre.


4.      Focus on email marketing

Many writers underestimate the power of email and how it can help them sell more books. According to a study, around half of people check their email first before having breakfast, which means that email is still a powerful mode of communication in this age.

You have to utilize email marketing to sell more copies of your books. By sending emails, you can keep your readers engaged and announce important details about your published or upcoming books.

Getting started with email marketing is a bit difficult. You will have to set up lead magnets on your website to build your email list. But once you’re done with the initial phase, you can rely on any email marketing tool to run your email marketing campaign.


5.      Learn how Amazon works

Amazon is one of the best platforms for authors who want to sell more copies of their books. Listing your book on Amazon will help you tap into a new target audience. Setting up your profile as an author on Amazon allows you to easily sell your books online.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to do any courses to learn how Amazon works for writers. Get started by learning the basics of Amazon for writers, and then you can get more knowledge of the platform over time.


6.      Build your personal brand

Branding is the key to helping you sell more books. There’s no denying the fact that having a strong personal brand allows you to influence more readers in your target audience. Your online presence will help you prove that you are experienced writers who give value to their readers through their books.

Many writers shy away when they hear about “personal branding.” Remember that you don’t necessarily have to become an “influencer” to build your brand. Getting active on social media and appearing on podcasts can help you build your brand from scratch.


7.      Run ads online

Branding can take a lot of time and effort. You won’t be able to grow your brand from scratch unless you persuade your audience through your content. If you are running short of time and can’t afford to wait for months to strengthen your brand, a better option for you is to run ads online.

Ads allow you to attract readers in no time. The good thing about running ads online is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money. For example, you can get started by running ads on social platforms like Facebook. You can start spending more money on ads if you start getting your desired results.


8.      Link with other writers

As a newbie writer, you might find it hard to market your book without making any mistakes. It’s better to get help from other writers on how to market your book instead of giving up. Connecting with other writers will help you learn how to avoid roadblocks when you start book marketing.

Getting connected with other writers is not as difficult as you might think. You can rely on online forums to link up with fellow writers. You can also join writing clubs to find writers who can help you in your marketing journey.


9.      Establish your website

One of the best ways to persuade people to buy your books in this digital age is to establish your website. A website allows you to provide all information about your book in one place.

Other than that, you can use the “Blog” section of your website to keep your readers updated about your writing process.

Establishing your website as a newbie writer is not as difficult as you might think. You don’t have to learn to code or hire a creative agency to build your website. By following this short guide, you can easily learn how to create a website for your book from scratch.

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