Do dental veneers damage teeth

Dental veneers are an ideal solution to correct the defects of your teeth. Discover what a dental veneer is, but also how it works to beautify your smile.

It will not damage teeth. However, they require removing a thickness of about 0.7mm of enamel to place the ceramic veneer. This procedure is much less invasive than the placement of a dental crown, which removes 60 to 70% of the dental tissue.

Are there any risks when having dental veneers?

There is no particular risk to the installation of dental veneers. There may, however, porcelain veneers are getting thinner and thinner thanks to the new performance. They no longer require the enamel to be completely removed before being bonded

What are the disadvantages of dental veneers?

The disadvantages of dental veneers are:

  • The process is irreversible. Once the outer layer is removed, there is no going back.
  • The lifespan of a dental veneer is 15 to 20 years. It is, therefore, necessary to redo the installation of its dental veneers at least once in its life if it was placed early.

What are the benefits?

The advantages are:

  • modify the shape
  • change the hue
  • change the alignment permanently
  • and get the smile you want: a natural smile, a “perfect” smile, a smile that blends into the face.

What happens to the teeth behind the dental veneers?

This is one of the questions that come back to us the most, what will become of your teeth during the installation and especially after?

Depending on the method used, the dentist will reduce your teeth in height or width to cover them.

The other method is to polish your natural teeth by scraping the enamel so that the glue adheres as much as possible to the tooth.

However, dental veneers are getting thinner and thinner thanks to the new performance. They no longer require the enamel to be completely removed before being bonded.

However, the operation is irreversible, because your teeth will no longer be protected enough to hope for healthy teeth. If your teeth are cut, it will be all the more impossible to go back.

On the other hand, there is no need to panic, the veneers are resistant to shocks, food stains, cavities, and temperature differences. And if one of them cracks, which is rare, you can completely replace it with your dental surgeon.

Maintenance for impeccable hygiene

From the moment the installation is done, having recourse to impeccable dental hygiene becomes a priority so that this change of life and this investment are profitable as possible.

Smokers are those who are most subject to problems over time, because of cigarettes. In addition to being unnecessarily dangerous for health, will increase the risk of stains on the facets. Perhaps an ideal opportunity to start a new life as a non-smoker?

Finally, if you are prone to teeth grinding, also called bruxism. Don’t forget to tell your dentist so that he can prescribe you a night guard so as not to damage your new teeth! Indeed, without this gutter, your veneers could peel off or get damaged while you sleep.

To conclude, dental veneers do not damage your original teeth and pose no risk to your health provided you take care of them. It will therefore be necessary to continue your dental hygiene routine to protect your facets, your teeth, and your mouth in general. The risks are therefore quite limited and the dental veneers have a fairly long lifespan which can go, for the most part, to more than ten years.

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