Switch to these Fabrics for Health Benefits

Switch to these Fabrics for Health Benefits
Switch to these Fabrics for Health Benefits

The world around us is full of fashion. Every season, a new trend comes up, making the last one look out of style. It is tough to be relatable in this fast fashion era where everyone wants to look better and up to date every single day. For this, you need to upgrade your wardrobe every week by spending a lot of amounts. But let’s be honest, not everyone has this much money, and it will also be a waste of resources resulting in pollution. Also, keeping up with the trends can be very competitive and badly affect your self-esteem. While it may seem challenging to be stylish on a budget, it actually isn’t. You can still look your best even when you do not follow the latest trends and wear affordable, high-quality clothes with suitable fabrics. Your whole fashion game can come into play with the correct choice of fabrics.

The material of your clothes makes or breaks your look. You can be wearing a bodycon slim fit dress that compliments your body frame, but if the fabric is cheap, you will look shabby.

Moreover, the dress won’t be in the same condition as fresh after mere two or three washes. Many people who believe in sustainably opt for tailored clothes to have fabrics of their choice with proper fittings. So quality and type of fabric are essential to make you stand out and help to elevate your look.

In this article, you will see some top high-quality fabrics that can make you look luxurious and still provide all the comfort like cotton that too on a budget.


Silk is the most potent natural protein fiber with a shimmering textile known for its satin texture and famous for its luxurious fabric. In the world of fabrics, silk is the queen of luxury. It is regarded as a royal material due to its fine finish and soft touch. A high-quality silk dress will always make you look attractive irrespective of the fashion trend because of its timeless beauty. Traditionally, the emperors used to wear silk-made tunics and antariyas with capes, and queens used to cover themselves with silk sarees and stalls. That is why it is considered to be rich when you wear silk clothes. Other than this, silk has some additional benefits too such as:

  • Breathable fabric
  • Soft and delicate touch
  • The rich sheen that compliments your skin tone
  • Slows down aging
  • Helps avoid allergies as the moisture-absorption capability of silk scraps the environment for the yeast to thrive.
  • Helps the body to retain the heat in cold weather.


When you talk about luxury, you cannot miss the velvet. The rich appeal of velvets and the shiny hues give it a fancy look. It is a woven, tufted fabric giving it a distinctive soft feel. Velvet is famous for its smooth touch, just like silk. In fact, initially, it was made from silk only, but now it is also made from fabrics like cotton, wool, and other synthetic fibers. In India, velvets are especially worn during winter as they are warm and heat-conductive. Some benefits of the materials are:

  • Soft and luxurious texture
  • Various color options
  • Has an aesthetic appeal
  • Best party wear clothing for the winter season

Viscose Fabric

The shiny and smooth Viscose is a type of rayon fabric made from the pulp of wood used as a substitute for silk as it has a similar drape and silky feel to the luxury material. Those who cannot afford silk can purchase the viscose fabric and still look their best. Viscose is a lightweight fabric and can be worn easily by both men and women. It looks similar to silk but has its uniqueness as well. Some of the critical benefits of Viscose are:

  • Sweat and water Absorbent so used inside the coats.
  • Lightweight to wear, making it perfect for summer.
  • Breathable like cotton.
  • Maintains Shape.
  • Dye fast

As much as the fabric type influences the overall appeal, so does the quality of the fabric. Always purchase your finest materials from high-quality fabric retailers.

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