What Are The Best Free Self-Publishing Companies?

What Are The Best Free Self-Publishing Companies
What Are The Best Free Self-Publishing Companies

Self-publishing is the leading way to get high royalty rates compared to others publishing platforms. Many authors self-publish their books worldwide because of their high royalty rates and other benefits. Without the aid of an official book publisher, an author self-publishes their work. As a result, the author can continue to exercise total control over all creative decisions, costs associated with publication, and royalties received. A multi-billion dollar industry has recently emerged using this technique, which has been around for millennia. Self-publishing companies are the best relief for self-publishers because numerous best free self publishing companies offer professional services. In this guest post, I’ll describe the professional free companies of self-publishing to help you choose the best one.

What Benefits Does Self-Publishing Offer?

Self-publishing offers numerous benefits, including high royalty rates, no approval needed quicker timeline, and one of the major benefits of self-publishing is the ability to have more creative control over the structure and presentation of the book. When you publish through one of the bigger houses, you have to satisfy the demands of editors, marketers, and designers, among others.

Top Seven Free Self-Publishing Companies:

Amazon KDP (Kinder Direct Publishing)

If you’re familiar with the subject of self-publishing, you already know that Amazon KDP is THE location for independent authors and publishers to publish. This is because online merchant controls at least half of the market for digital books. KDP is the best free ebook publishing platform available.

KDP Select is another offering from Amazon, but it requires an exclusivity period. This means you cannot sell your ebook elsewhere for the first 90 days it is available on Amazon. This may reduce your ability to earn. Let me explain why.

Independent authors who self-publish lack the resources and funding provided by a formal publishing business or agency. Marketing becomes important to stand out.


Inkitt bills itself as a reader-powered book publisher and offers a community platform for writers. It’s a social publishing platform with about 75,000 authors, 230,000 articles, and 7 million readers that might be worth taking into account.

Readers can access the stories for free when authors use this service to self-publish their writings, not a written book that gets from ghostwriting services.

Galatea, iInkitt’s sister publishing division, may provide publishing deals to authors with popular novels. Additionally, it allows debut authors to participate in ongoing competitions with publishing deals as prizes. It might be a choice for you if self-publishing is new to you.

Barnes & Noble Press

The third-largest self-publishing platform in the US is this one. Barnes & Noble Press is the only retail outlet for the book they publish in both online and physical books stores that are run by Barnes & Noble Press. In addition to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, and Germany, they are accessible in 12 other places.

B&N changed their self-published ebook royalty rates earlier last year to a flat 70% and sped up the payout period to 30 days following purchase as opposed to 60.


If the author sells the eBook directly through Smashwords, they will receive an 80% royalty. One of the industry’s pioneers in eBook publishing.

One of the most well-known free publishing platforms, Smashwords has one of the greatest libraries of eBooks written by more than 120000 writers.

You may publish and sell your eBooks directly on the platform with Smashwords. Your ebook should be able to be purchased on any website that provides free publication, such as Apple’s iBooks, Barnes & Noble, etc. is another benefit. On Smashwords, there is no restriction on exclusivity.


The final significant store you need to be aware of is Rakuten Kobo. It is a Canadian firm (a subsidiary of the huge Japanese e-commerce company Rakuten), hence it has a significant presence in the global ebook industry. In terms of market share, Kobo is only the fifth-largest retailer in the United States but it is expanding every year.

Kobo is a good option if you want to attract readers outside of the United States. Kobo Writing Life, Kobo’s self-publishing division, is easy to use and cost-free. If you decide to distribute through Kobo rather than an aggregator, it also comes with several benefits, such as unique promotion options.


One of the first online self-publishing businesses, Lulu is a well-known supplier of both print and digital books. For print books, Lulu provides both hardcover and paperback versions. Although they offer free ebook conversion, publishing, and distribution services, they also charge for a variety of support services like editing, book promotion, and cover design. Lulu charges a 20% commission for books sold through their marketplace, less any applicable print copy production costs. Additionally, partner stores would receive a commission from sales made through them.

Apple Ebook Store

Use the iBook format if you want to publish your work as a subscription item through the iBook Store. However, if you want to make your digital work freely available on other platforms, you might think about uploading the eBook as an ePub, PDF, or text file.

You can promote your eBook for free on two self-publishing websites provided by Apple: the iBook store and iTunes U. Click here to learn more about the internet venues for self-publishing. There are distinct prerequisites for uploading digital books to each of the two online retailers.


There are many free self-publishing companies for you to choose from, but I listed some of the best in this guest post. Kinder Direct Publishing is one the best free companies in my opinion. I hope after reading this guest post, you can eligible and sure that which is best for your book.

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